Japanese newspaper
たからくじ ネット販売強化はんばいきょうか回復目指かいふくめざ
2020-01-04 16:05:03Z
Anonymous 12:01 07/01/2020
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たからくじ ネット販売強化はんばいきょうか回復目指かいふくめざ
label.tran_page Lottery Aim for sales recovery to strengthen online sales


label.tran_page Lottery sales have peaked in 2005 and are on a declining trend.

label.tran_page The service that can be used for purchasing points is also initially offered only to people who bought on the Internet, but it was expanded to purchase at the sales floor last year

label.tran_page Currently, points are redeemed for 1 yen per purchase of 100 yen, but the council and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications made by the municipal government of the release plan to strengthen Internet sales after April

label.tran_page Specifically, for those who bought on the Internet and the first million people, the idea of ​​getting 1,000 yen points for those who bought more than 6000 yen is under consideration