小中学生しょうちゅうがくせいえがいた下絵したえもとにした「ねぶた」完成かんせい披露ひろう 青森あおもり
2021-04-07 07:10:02Z
Anonymous 12:04 07/04/2021
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小中学生しょうちゅうがくせいえがいた下絵したえもとにした「ねぶた」完成かんせい披露ひろう 青森あおもり
label.tran_page Completed and unveiled ”Nebuta” based on the sketch drawn by elementary and junior high school students Aomori

青森市あおもりし観光施設かんこうしせつ「ねぶたのいえ ワ・ラッセ」は、毎年まいとし全国ぜんこく小中学生しょうちゅうがくせいからねぶたの下絵したえ募集ぼしゅうするコンクールおこなっていて、最優秀賞さいゆうしゅうしょうえらばれた作品さくひんをもとに中型ちゅうがた小型こがたのねぶたが制作せいさくされます

label.tran_page The Nebuta no Ie Wa Rasse, a tourist facility in Aomori City, holds a competition every year to solicit sketches of Nebuta from elementary and junior high school students nationwide. Nebuta will be produced


label.tran_page Two Nebuta were unveiled on the 31st, of which the medium-sized Nebuta, which is nearly 5 meters wide, was created based on the work of Fumio Yokoyama, a fifth grader in Aomori City. It was powerfully expressed that an imaginary creature that was supposed to drive away the votive tablet jumped out of the votive tablet.


label.tran_page The 2.5-meter-wide small Nebuta is a work by Kosuke Nakamura, a second-year junior high school student in Aomori City, and depicts whales and fishermen driving sardines with a fine touch.


label.tran_page The two Nebuta are on display at ”Nebuta no Ie Wa Rasse”