Japanese newspaper
乳児にゅうじ10人死亡にんしぼう インドの公立病院こうりつびょういん火災かさい電気系統でんきけいとうトラブル
2024-11-18 16:00:03
dino 09:11 18/11/2024
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乳児にゅうじ10人死亡にんしぼう インドの公立病院こうりつびょういん火災かさい電気系統でんきけいとうトラブル
label.tran_page 10 babies die due to fire or electrical problem at public hospital in India.


label.tran_page A fire broke out near the neonatal intensive care unit at a public hospital in northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state on the night of the 15th, killing 10 infants.


label.tran_page According to local media NDTV and others, 17 other children are receiving treatment, and the number of victims is feared to increase.
label.tran_page The problem may have been caused by an electrical system malfunction.


label.tran_page The fire broke out around 10:45 p.m.
label.tran_page Doctors and nurses broke windows and evacuated outside while rescuing patients.
label.tran_page It is said that there were 18 beds for infants, but there are also reports that there were about 50 children at the time of the fire.