Japanese newspaper
2020-04-09 17:10:00
Anonymous 03:04 10/04/2020
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label.tran_page Experts say that “If we can reduce meeting with people by 80% it would only take one month to see effective results.”


label.tran_page After the government has made a emergency declaration in major cities like Tokyo, Osaka and other five prefectures, the government strongly encourage people to minimize going out to meet people by 80%.



label.tran_page Prof.Nishiura Hiroshi of Hokkaido University said that if you have met 10 people so far, you shoukd try not to meet 8 the people.
label.tran_page While on visits to the hospitas or doing necessary shopping, it maybe difficult in this case to try no to meet people.
label.tran_page Places which are understood to have very high danger of transmission are the gym and drinking bars/ stores open at night. Please do not go to thise places as much as possible, is what Prof. said.


label.tran_page According to Prof.Nishiura, if we can reduce being in contact with people by 80%, it will only take one month to see the results.
label.tran_page However, if its 70% or 60% lesser, then it will take 2 to 3 months longer to see results.