スペースジェット、米国での試験できず 外出制限が影響
SpaceJet couldn't test in the U.S.
SpaceJet couldn't test in the U.S.
Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, tests in the U.S. have been suspended for Mitsubishi Aircraft's first domestic passenger jet, the Space Jet (formerly MRJ), which it is developing.
Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, tests in the U.S. have been suspended for Mitsubishi Aircraft's first domestic passenger jet, the Space Jet (formerly MRJ), which it is developing.
Because there are restrictions on going out locally
Because there are restrictions on going out locally
The transfer of the latest testing machine in Japan to the United States will be delayed after May
The transfer of the latest testing machine in Japan to the United States will be delayed after May
The development schedule is over eight years late from the beginning, but the uncertainty is further increased by the impact of the new corona
The development schedule is over eight years late from the beginning, but the uncertainty is further increased by the impact of the new corona
ジ ェ ッ ト SpaceJet has been conducting tests in Washington, USA to obtain type certification (TC) with safety approval from aviation authorities
ジ ェ ッ ト SpaceJet has been conducting tests in Washington, USA to obtain type certification (TC) with safety approval from aviation authorities
According to Mitsubishi Aircraft, all trials have been suspended due to a notice issued by the governor of the state in late March calling for companies to work from home.
According to Mitsubishi Aircraft, all trials have been suspended due to a notice issued by the governor of the state in late March calling for companies to work from home.