Japanese newspaper
年内ねんないコンサート中止ちゅうし 自粛呼じしゅくよけ T・スウィフトさん
2020-04-25 15:02:03Z
Anonymous 14:04 25/04/2020
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年内ねんないコンサート中止ちゅうし 自粛呼じしゅくよけ T・スウィフトさん
label.tran_page Cancellation of concert within the year Call for self-restraint Mr. T. Swift


label.tran_page Popular American singer Taylor Swift announced on the 17th that it will stop concert activities within the year due to the global spread of the new coronavirus
label.tran_page Swift called on Twitter: I'm very sad that I can't meet at a concert this year, but what's important now is for everyone to cooperate with the isolation process.