Japanese newspaper
炎症疾患えんしょうしっかん重篤化じゅうあつしかども増加ぞうか新型しんがたコロナと関連かんれんか えい
2020-05-01 15:02:03Z
Anonymous 19:05 01/05/2020
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炎症疾患えんしょうしっかん重篤化じゅうあつしかども増加ぞうか新型しんがたコロナと関連かんれんか えい
label.tran_page Increasing number of children getting serious due to inflammatory disease, related to new corona


label.tran_page In the UK, the number of children with severe symptoms of inflammatory diseases is increasing, although a small number of cases are increasing, and it is suspected that it may be related to a new coronavirus infection. Issued a warning


label.tran_page British Pediatric Intensive Care Medical Association (PICS) posted “Emergency Alert” from NHS England on Twitter on 26th


label.tran_page Common features include abdominal pain, gastrointestinal symptoms, and inflammation in the heart.


label.tran_page According to the NHS magazine published on 27th, the number of children of all ages requiring intensive care due to inflammation of multiple organs has increased in London and other places throughout the past three weeks.
label.tran_page While it is suspected that it is related to the new virus, there is a possibility that an unidentified infectious pathogen other than the new virus may be involved, and there is growing concern.