
100% Melon Taste Actually... Only 2% Melon

100% Melon Taste Actually... Only 2% Melon
消費者庁によりますと、キリンビバレッジはミックスジュースのパッケージに大きなメロンのイラストと「まるごと果実感 メロンテイスト果汁100%」などと、大部分がメロンの果汁であるかのような表示をしていました

According to the Consumer Affairs Agency, Kirin Beverage displayed a large illustration of a melon on the package of mixed juice, as if it were mostly melon juice, such as 100% melon-flavoured juice with a whole fruity feel.

According to the Consumer Affairs Agency, Kirin Beverage displayed a large illustration of a melon on the package of mixed juice, as if it were mostly melon juice, such as 100% melon-flavoured juice with a whole fruity feel.