べい がん死亡率しぼうりつ 25年間ねんかん 減少続げんしょうつづ
2019-04-30 13:32:02Z
ジョアン 22:04 30/04/2019
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べい がん死亡率しぼうりつ 25年間ねんかん 減少続げんしょうつづ
label.tran_page America. The rate of deaths from cancer continues to decline in (last) 25 years.


label.tran_page In America, it is understood the death rate of cancer patients continues to decline in the last 25 years.


label.tran_page In the entire American population, the Cancer death rate in the last 25 years has declined 27%.
label.tran_page Compared to the peak period of death rate, in the case where the are preventative measures, the number of deceased is about 260,000 less people, which is a significant decrease.


label.tran_page According to the most recent data from The American Centre for Disease Control (CDC), in the last 17 years, the top 3 causes of death are heart disease, Cancer, and accidental injuries.


label.tran_page In 1991 America, Cancer deaths occurred in 215.1 people out of 100,000 people.
label.tran_page By comparison, each year there is a 1.5% decline such that in 2016, out of 100,000 people, the standard has fallen to only 156 (Cancer related) deaths.