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ペルー当局とうきょく大統領だいとうりょう自宅じたくなど家宅捜索かたくそうさく 高級腕時計こうきゅううでどけい不正入手ふせいにゅうしゅうたが
2024-04-01 07:10:03
Anonymous 03:04 01/04/2024
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ペルー当局とうきょく大統領だいとうりょう自宅じたくなど家宅捜索かたくそうさく 高級腕時計こうきゅううでどけい不正入手ふせいにゅうしゅうたが
label.tran_page Peruvian authorities raid president’s home on suspicion of ``illegal acquisition’’ of luxury watches


label.tran_page In Peru, South America, police raided the president’s home on suspicion of fraudulently obtaining a luxury watch.
label.tran_page The president denies the charges, saying, ``I bought it myself.’’

label.tran_page According to the Associated Press, on the 30th, Peruvian police authorities searched President Bolarte’s home and presidential palace on suspicion that he had obtained the luxury watch illegally because he had not declared ownership of it.

label.tran_page The investigation began in the middle of this month when President Bolarte appeared on a TV show wearing a luxury Rolex watch worth approximately $14,000.

label.tran_page It is also known that she wore two different luxury watches on other programs.

label.tran_page President Bolarte has admitted that he owns a luxury watch, but denies that he obtained it illegally, saying, ``I bought it with the money I earned when I was young.’’