マダガスカルにサイクロン上陸 18人死亡 2万人が避難
Cyclone lands in Madagascar, 18 dead, 20,000 evacuated
Cyclone lands in Madagascar, 18 dead, 20,000 evacuated
A cyclone has made landfall in Madagascar, an island nation in southeastern Africa, killing at least 18 people and evacuating 20,000 people.
A cyclone has made landfall in Madagascar, an island nation in southeastern Africa, killing at least 18 people and evacuating 20,000 people.
People are evacuating along ropes while submerged in muddy water up to their knees.
People are evacuating along ropes while submerged in muddy water up to their knees.
According to the Associated Press and other sources, Cyclone Gamane made landfall in northeastern Madagascar from the 27th to the 28th, leaving at least 18 people dead, 4 missing, and 20,000 people evacuated.
According to the Associated Press and other sources, Cyclone Gamane made landfall in northeastern Madagascar from the 27th to the 28th, leaving at least 18 people dead, 4 missing, and 20,000 people evacuated.
In addition, roads and bridges have been washed away and other damage has occurred in northern Madagascar.
In addition, roads and bridges have been washed away and other damage has occurred in northern Madagascar.
Eastern Africa, including Madagascar, was hit by a large cyclone from February to March last year, causing great damage.
Eastern Africa, including Madagascar, was hit by a large cyclone from February to March last year, causing great damage.