Japanese newspaper
中国ちゅうごくぐん戦闘せんとう 台湾たいわん防空ぼうくう識別しきべつけん進入しんにゅう台湾たいわん国防こくぼう
4/10/2023 12:50:32 PM +09:00
M. Abu yousef 12:04 11/04/2023
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中国ちゅうごくぐん戦闘せんとう 台湾たいわん防空ぼうくう識別しきべつけん進入しんにゅう台湾たいわん国防こくぼう
label.tran_page “Chinese military planes enter Taiwan’s air defense identification zone,” Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense.
label.tran_page Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense announced that a Chinese military J-15 fighter jet entered the air defense identification zone off the southeast coast of Taiwan.
label.tran_page This fighter is a carrier-based aircraft of the Chinese military, and it is believed that the aircraft carrier has participated in patrols and military exercises around Taiwan since the 8th.