Japanese newspaper
世界最大級せかいさいだいきゅう半導体はんどうたいメーカー台湾たいわんのTSMC 国内初工場こくないはつこうじょう開所式かいしょしき
2024-02-25 07:10:02
騎士Satria 05:02 27/02/2024
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世界最大級せかいさいだいきゅう半導体はんどうたいメーカー台湾たいわんのTSMC 国内初工場こくないはつこうじょう開所式かいしょしき
label.tran_page One of the world’s largest semiconductor manufacturers, Taiwan’s TSMC, opens ceremony for its first factory in Japan


label.tran_page TSMC, one of the world’s largest semiconductor manufacturers, will hold an opening ceremony at its factory in Kikuyo-cho, Kumamoto Prefecture on the 24th.

label.tran_page The opening ceremony will be held from 2:00 pm at the first factory where TSMC plans to start production in October.

label.tran_page Government officials such as Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Takeshi Saito will attend the ceremony, and representatives of major domestic manufacturers that have invested are also believed to have been invited.

label.tran_page Additionally, TSMC has also officially announced that it will construct a second factory in Kumamoto Prefecture, with the aim of starting operations in 2027.

label.tran_page Toyota Motor Corporation will newly invest 2% in the second factory, and the investment amount for the two factories is expected to be on the order of 3 trillion yen.