パリ五輪閉会式直前 エッフェル塔によじ登り男を逮捕 命綱なし、素手で…動機は不明
Just before the closing ceremony of the Paris Olympics, a man who climbed the Eiffel Tower was arrested without a lifeline and with his bare hands...motive unknown
Just before the closing ceremony of the Paris Olympics, a man who climbed the Eiffel Tower was arrested without a lifeline and with his bare hands...motive unknown
A man can be seen at the Eiffel Tower just before the closing ceremony of the Paris Olympics when the camera is zoomed in.
A man can be seen at the Eiffel Tower just before the closing ceremony of the Paris Olympics when the camera is zoomed in.
The man is shirtless, without a lifeline, and climbs up the mountain with his bare hands.
The man is shirtless, without a lifeline, and climbs up the mountain with his bare hands.
As a result of this, tourists in the area were ordered to evacuate, and the scene was briefly in turmoil.
As a result of this, tourists in the area were ordered to evacuate, and the scene was briefly in turmoil.
According to local media, the man, a 33-year-old British national, was arrested by police officers who arrived.
According to local media, the man, a 33-year-old British national, was arrested by police officers who arrived.
I don’t know the motive
I don’t know the motive