Japanese newspaper
地震じしんのときやく公衆電話こうしゅうでんわ どもに使つかかたおしえる
2019-03-12 11:30:00
Anonymous 04:03 12/03/2019
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地震じしんのときやく公衆電話こうしゅうでんわ どもに使つかかたおしえる
label.tran_page Useful public telephones at the time of an earthquake Teach children how to use


label.tran_page NTT East has created a website that teaches children how to use public phones in towns and in stations
label.tran_page The website shows how to use a public phone with videos and quizzes
label.tran_page You can find out where the public phone is


label.tran_page Public telephones are more easily connected than other telephones even when there is a big earthquake or when the power is shut off
label.tran_page At the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake eight years ago, it became difficult to connect mobile phones, but many people were able to reach you via public phones


label.tran_page However, when NTT East examined, it turned out that there are a lot of children saying I do not know public telephones or I have never used them.


label.tran_page People from NTT East said, I want children to use public phones
label.tran_page And I want you to be able to use it in times of earthquakes etc.