Japanese newspaper
今年ことしなつ やま遭難そうなんしたひとがいちばんおおかった
2023-09-26 12:00:00
2018pcmail 03:09 26/09/2023
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Anonymous 14:09 26/09/2023
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今年ことしなつ やま遭難そうなんしたひとがいちばんおおかった
label.tran_page This summer, the most people lost their lives in the mountains


label.tran_page According to the National Police Agency, 809 people lost their lives in the mountains in July and August of this year, with some injured or killed.
label.tran_page This is the largest increase since I started research in 1968.
label.tran_page The number of people who died and those who are missing is 61.


label.tran_page A woman around 50 years old who was on a mountain climbing tour fell on a path with many crumbling rocks and fell about 10 meters below.
label.tran_page The woman was bleeding from the head and was unable to go down the mountain on her own.


label.tran_page Experts say, ``Accidents are particularly common among people between the ages of 40 and 60.
label.tran_page Some people have not climbed mountains for a long time due to concerns about the new coronavirus, and their bodies and legs have become weak.
label.tran_page Please choose an easier mountain than the previous one and get off the mountain as soon as you feel unwell.”


label.tran_page The National Police Agency said, ``From now on, I think many people will climb the mountains to see the autumn leaves.
label.tran_page I want you to come up with a plan that suits your abilities and make sure you have everything you need.”