Japanese newspaper
2021-02-20 07:10:03Z
Anonymous 10:02 22/02/2021
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Anonymous 14:02 20/02/2021
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label.tran_page In Moscow, people are looking for a Valentine date in a ferris wheel attraction


label.tran_page In the preparation for the Valentine’s day, dozens of men and women are flocking to the newest date-finder: Ferris wheel.
label.tran_page In the ferris wheel date, each men will board a gondolla, which has been boarded by a woman before. In the next 7 minutes, both of them will have a time to know each other.

label.tran_page If the participant is interested with their partner, they will notify the organizer. If the feeling is mutual, then they will get his/her number.
label.tran_page With the chance of meeting opposite-sexes is at all-time low, the male participants are very happy with this dating method. ”This is better than looking for dates on the internet,” ”with a day this cold, any participants coming here are surely serious,” they said.
