アマゾンのベゾスCEO、富豪世界一ふごうせかいいちかえ テスラのマスク
2021-02-23 07:10:03Z
Anonymous 23:02 23/02/2021
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アマゾンのベゾスCEO、富豪世界一ふごうせかいいちかえ テスラのマスク
label.tran_page Amazon’s Bezos CEO returns to the world’s millionaire and overtakes Tesla’s Mask


label.tran_page It turned out that Mr. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon in the United States, has returned to the world’s richest man
label.tran_page Calculated by Bloomberg Billionaire Index

label.tran_page According to the index, Mr. Musk lost about $ 4.5 billion due to a 2.4% drop in Tesla shares and fell from the top spot for about six weeks.
label.tran_page Mr. Bezos also reduced his wealth due to the general decline in the stock market, but returned to the top with a decrease of about $ 372 million.

label.tran_page According to the index, Mr. Bezos has $ 191 billion and Mr. Musk has $ 190 billion.

label.tran_page Mr. Musk took the top spot due to the surge in Tesla shares in January this year.
label.tran_page Tesla’s share price has risen 743% over the past year

label.tran_page According to the index, the world’s third-largest millionaire is Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates with assets of $ 137 billion.