2021-01-16 07:10:03Z
Anonymous 03:01 16/01/2021
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label.tran_page Temple monkeys ”intelligent criminals” demand food commensurate with the value of stealing valuables


label.tran_page The monkeys at Uluwatu Temple in Bali, Indonesia, demand that the victims be given the appropriate quality and quantity of food as a ”ransom” in exchange for bags, hats, sunglasses, mobile phones, etc. stolen from humans.
label.tran_page Such research results were published in the English scientific journal Royal Society.

label.tran_page According to the report, the cynomolgus monkeys in the temple are highly intelligent adults, and if they are not given food that they consider to be worth it, they snatch the items that are most valuable to tourists, such as electronic devices. It seems that he will not let go

label.tran_page This treatise was published on the 11th
label.tran_page Observations of monkeys were carried out for more than 273 days from 2015 to 2016, and a follow-up survey was conducted in 2019.