ロシア選手団せんしゅだん 東京五輪とうきょうごりんで「カチューシャ」斉唱検討せいしょうけんとう
2021-01-17 07:10:03Z
Vu Thi Kim Chi 19:01 17/01/2021
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ロシア選手団せんしゅだん 東京五輪とうきょうごりんで「カチューシャ」斉唱検討せいしょうけんとう
label.tran_page According to Tass, the Russian Olympic Committee is considering singing Katyusha instead of the national anthem at the Tokyo Games, saying that it is Russian patriotic song and is known by people all over the world on the 14th. Announced


label.tran_page The World Anti-Doping Agency has determined that there was a national fraud over the participation of Russian athletes in the Tokyo Olympics, and has banned the use of the Russian national anthem and national flag.

label.tran_page It was revealed that the Russian team, whose use of the national anthem is banned at the Tokyo Olympics due to the disposition over the doping problem, is considering singing the national anthem Kachusha instead.


label.tran_page Kachusha is a popular song of the former Soviet Union during World War II that sang the feelings for the lover who went out, and was popular in Japan after the war.