Japanese newspaper
ゴムボートで台湾たいわん密航みっこう中国人ちゅうごくじん1にん身柄みがら確保かくほ 台湾たいわん当局とうきょく
9/14/2024 6:20:12 PM +09:00
abhirajf111 12:09 14/09/2024
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ゴムボートで台湾たいわん密航みっこう中国人ちゅうごくじん1にん身柄みがら確保かくほ 台湾たいわん当局とうきょく
label.tran_page With a rubber boat, you can smuggle to Taiwan or secure one Chinese person in Taiwan
label.tran_page Taiwanese officials have discovered a rubber boat near the coast in northern Taiwan, and announced that they have secured one Chinese who seems to have been smuggled.
label.tran_page In Taiwan, in June, a former Chinese army was invading a small ship, and Taiwanese authorities are increasingly vigilant in invasion from China.