ミャンマー軍 少数民族の女性や子供35人殺害か

Myanmar Army killing 35 ethnic minority women and children

Myanmar Army killing 35 ethnic minority women and children

Myanmar local media reported on the 25th that 35 residents of ethnic minority settlements were killed by military soldiers.

Myanmar local media reported on the 25th that 35 residents of ethnic minority settlements were killed by military soldiers.

Most of the victims were women and children, and the bodies were found burned along with the car.

Most of the victims were women and children, and the bodies were found burned along with the car.

According to local media in Myanmar, the military attacked a village inhabited by ethnic minorities in central Kayah State on the 24th, killing 35 inhabitants.

According to local media in Myanmar, the military attacked a village inhabited by ethnic minorities in central Kayah State on the 24th, killing 35 inhabitants.

The corpse was found on a truck bed, then lit, and the entire vehicle was severely burned.

The corpse was found on a truck bed, then lit, and the entire vehicle was severely burned.

In areas controlled by ethnic minorities, tensions have increased since this month, with thousands of residents involved in the battle fleeing to the Thai side across national borders.

In areas controlled by ethnic minorities, tensions have increased since this month, with thousands of residents involved in the battle fleeing to the Thai side across national borders.