「SHOGUN 将軍」に作品賞 米エミー賞で最多18冠の快挙

“Shogun Shogun” wins Best Picture, a record 18 wins at the U.S. Emmy Awards

“Shogun Shogun” wins Best Picture, a record 18 wins at the U.S. Emmy Awards
アメリカのテレビ界最高の賞「エミー賞」で、戦国時代を舞台にした「SHOGUN 将軍」が、作品賞や主演男優賞など最多の18の賞を受賞しました

At the Emmy Awards, the highest award in American television, ”Shogun”, which is set in the Sengoku period, won the most awards at 18, including Best Picture and Best Actor.

At the Emmy Awards, the highest award in American television, ”Shogun”, which is set in the Sengoku period, won the most awards at 18, including Best Picture and Best Actor.
ロサンゼルスで15日、エミー賞の授賞式が開かれ、俳優の真田広之さんがプロデュースと主演を務めたテレビドラマ「SHOGUN 将軍」が作品賞に選ばれました

The Emmy Awards ceremony was held in Los Angeles on the 15th, and the TV drama ”Shogun”, produced and starring actor Hiroyuki Sanada, was selected for Best Picture.

The Emmy Awards ceremony was held in Los Angeles on the 15th, and the TV drama ”Shogun”, produced and starring actor Hiroyuki Sanada, was selected for Best Picture.
戦国時代の日本を舞台にした「SHOGUN 将軍」は、映像の圧倒的な迫力などが評価され、世界中でヒットしました

”Shogun Shogun”, set in Japan during the Warring States period, was praised for its overwhelming visual impact and became a hit all over the world.

”Shogun Shogun”, set in Japan during the Warring States period, was praised for its overwhelming visual impact and became a hit all over the world.

This is the first time a non-English language work has won the Best Picture award.

This is the first time a non-English language work has won the Best Picture award.

In addition, Sanada became the first Japanese to win the Best Actor Award, and Anna Sawai became the first Japanese to win the Best Actress Award, taking the record for the most awards with 18.

In addition, Sanada became the first Japanese to win the Best Actor Award, and Anna Sawai became the first Japanese to win the Best Actress Award, taking the record for the most awards with 18.

At this year’s Emmy Awards, there were 25 nominations in 22 categories, the most.

At this year’s Emmy Awards, there were 25 nominations in 22 categories, the most.