Japanese newspaper
斉藤さいとう国交こっこうしょう信頼しんらいるがすもの」 東北とうほく新幹線しんかんせん連結れんけつはず
9/20/2024 1:19:34 PM +09:00
Anonymous 09:09 20/09/2024
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斉藤さいとう国交こっこうしょう信頼しんらいるがすもの」 東北とうほく新幹線しんかんせん連結れんけつはず
label.tran_page Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Saito: ``What shakes trust’’: Tohoku Shinkansen disconnection
label.tran_page On the 19th, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Saito stated that the connecting part of a train on the Tohoku Shinkansen train that was running in Miyagi Prefecture came loose, saying, ``This shakes the trust in rail transportation,’’ and called on JR East to investigate the cause. clarified that he had instructed