Japanese newspaper
マツタケが絶滅ぜつめつ危惧きぐしゅ国際こくさい自然しぜん保護ほご連合れんごう 最新さいしんレッドリスト
7/9/2020 9:01:20 PM +09:00
Automatic translation 02:07 10/07/2020
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マツタケが絶滅ぜつめつ危惧きぐしゅ国際こくさい自然しぜん保護ほご連合れんごう 最新さいしんレッドリスト
label.tran_page Matsutake becomes endangered species International Union for Conservation of Nature Latest Red List
label.tran_page IUCN = International Union for Conservation of Nature, created by experts on wildlife around the world, has published the latest Red List and newly designated matsutake mushrooms as an endangered species because the world`s growth is decreasing.