Three Japanese phrases for any sticky classroom situation.
3 Important Phrases for Japanese Classrooms
892 viewThree Japanese phrases for any sticky classroom situation.
In this lesson, you are going to learn three useful classroom expressions.
They are super easy and you are going to learn them in less than 3 minutes.
So here are the three phrases. First we have...
もういちどおねがいします "One more time please."
ゆっくりおねがいします。 "Slowly please."
かいてください。 "Please write it down."
"Once more, please." も、う、い、ち、ど、お、ね、が、い、し、ま、す。 もういちどおねがいします。
もう means "again". いちど means "one time" or "once".
おねがいします is a phrase to be used to request some kind of service and it literally means "please, do something for me".
Remember おねがいします from the first lesson, it means "please".
So, もういちどおねがいします literally means "again, one time please" and we translate this as "once again, please".
The second phrase is ゆっくりおねがいします。 "Slowly, please."
ゆっくり means "slowly". So when you say this little つ, it means you are supposed to pause. ゆ、っ、く、り
おねがいします お、ね、が、い、し、ま、す。
This is the same as before and this is a phrase
to be used to request some kind of service. So when the teacher says something you don’t
know, you can say もういちどおねがいします, "one more time please"
and ゆっくりおねがいします "Slowly please."
Now the third useful phrase... かいてください "Please, write it down."
か、い、て、く、だ、さ、い。 かいてください。
When you want to ask someone to write down something so that you can understand it better, you can say かいてください
かいて is a conjugation of a verb meaning "to write" - かく.
ください is "please". So かいてください。 is "Please, write it down."
When you don’t understand something in the classroom, you can say... すみません、せんせい。 "Excuse me, professor" or "Excuse me, teacher."
もういちどおねがいします "One more time, please."
And to have her say slowly, ゆっくりおねがいします - "Slowly, please."
And if you still don’t understand something, you can say かいてください - "Please, write it down."
Of course you can use these expressions outside of the classroom.
Okay let’s practice. すみません、せんせい。
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