In Japanese, there are many Kanji words with the same pronunciation but completely different meanings. In this paper, TODAI Japanese will give a simple explanation of the difference between 4 Japanese words “収める”, “納める”, “治める” and “修め” with the same pronunciation "おさめる" /osameru/

Let's find out together!

Firstly, the Japanese word  “収める”

  • “収める” is the movement from outside to inside

 “財布に収める/Saifu ni osameru” means putting your money or your card into your wallet.

 “カメラに収める” means taking photos or taking a video then saving in the camera.

Secondly, the Japanese word  “修める”

  •  “修める” means the knowledge and skills cultivation

khai báo thuế etax 確定申告

  “学業を修める” (cultivating your study) hay “フランス語を修める” (Cultivating your French) means studying or learning. Besides, “身を修める” means “Prepare for yourself” – mental and behavioral preparation to avoid effects from outside.

Thirdly, the Japanese word  納める

  • 納める” means finishing what you have to do.

 For example,  “授業料を納める” is paying the school fee,  “税金を納める” is paying taxes,  “仕事納め” means completing your works, usually the last work in the year

Finally, the Japanese word: "治める"

 “ 治める” the movement from bad to good condition

“đất nước mặt trời mọc” - Nhật Bản

 “国を治める” (To rule the nation) or “領地を治める” (to rule the territory) means controlling to avoid conflicts of the nation or the territory, creating a peaceful condition.  “痛みが治まる” means the disappearance of the pain, the movement from pain- bad condition to no pain- good condition.

To conclude

·   収める- Moving from outside to inside

·   修める- Having knowledge or skills

·   納める- Finishing what you have to do

·   治める- Changing from “bad” to “good”

 So TODAI Japanese provides you with basic knowledge to distinguish the Japanese words with the same pronunciation but different meanings. TODAI Japanese hope this makes your Japanese study more easier! Follow TODAI Japanese and download TODAI Japanese here to learn how to distinguish interesting Kanji words!