“らしい”, “みたい”, and “っぽい” mean “like” or “similar” but are all slightly different. Today, TODAI Japanese will show you some slight differences.


🟣 らしい - Expressing hearsay or behavior using


◼ 「らしい」 can be directly attached to nouns, adjectives, or verbs to show that things appear to be a certain way due to what you've heard. 


📌 Eg:


(A) 今日、田中さんはこないの?- Is Tanaka-san not coming today?


(B) こないらしい。- Seems like it (based on what I heard).


(A) あの人は何なの?- What is that person over there?


(B) 美由紀さんの友達らしいですよ。- Seems to be Miyuki-san's friend (based on what I heard).


◼「らしい」to indicate that a person seems to be a certain thing due to his behavior.


📌 Eg:


(1) あの子は子供らしくない。- That child does not act like a child.


(2) 大人らしくするつもりだったのに、大騒ぎしてしまった。- Despite the fact that I planned to act like an adult, I ended up making a big ruckus.




🟣 みたい - something looks like something else


◼ N みたい


Attach 「みたい」 to the noun that bears the resemblance. 「みたい」 conjugates like a noun or na-adjective and not an i-adjective. So このピザはお好み焼きみたいじゃない?- Doesn't this pizza looks like okonomiyaki? (NOT お好み焼きみたくない?)


📌 Eg:


制服を着ている姿をみると、学生みたいです。- Looking at the uniform-wearing figure, (person) looks like a student. (The implied meaning here is the person wearing the uniform is not really a student because he/she only looks like a student.)


Non-Past - 犬みたい = looks like a dog


Past - 犬だったみたい = didn't look like a dog


Negative - 犬じゃないみたい = doesn't look like a dog


Negative Past - 犬じゃなかったみたい = didn't look like a dog




🟣 っぽい - like a


A really casual way to express similarity is to attach 「っぽい」 to the word that reflects the resemblance.


Noun + っぽい


Verb-stem + っぽい


いadj (-い) + っぽい


なadj + っぽい


「 っぽい」 conjugates just like an i-adjective, as seen by example (3) below.


📌 Eg:


(1) あの人はちょっと韓国人っぽいよね。- That person looks like a Korean person, huh?


(2) みんなで、もう全部食べてしまったっぽいよ。- It appears that everybody ate everything already.


(3) 恭子は全然女っぽくないね。- Kyouko is not womanly at all, huh?


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