とあって => because of N1
にあっても => Even in the situation... N1
Things do not match the prediction
にあって => During time/situation A N1
Time, Situation
とあって => Because of A, B N1
Reason, Result, Response
にあたり/にあたって => at the time; on the occasion of ~ N2
どうやって => how N5
にあっては => Under ~ conditions or circumstances, Suited to N1
のであった => So...(Exclamation) N2
あっての => Because of A (strong emphasis), B N1
Reason, Result, Response
と[相「あい」]まって => Along with A N1
Lists, examples
あえて => dare to N2
にあって(は) => at; on; during; in the condition of​ ~ N1