にあたって/にあたり => At the time of A (which starts now).., on the occasion of A N2
Time, Situation
たことがある => Have done A before N4
Situations and Experiences
にはあたらない => There's no need to A, N1
たあげく => After A, B was the final/end result N2
Reason, Result, Response
といったらない/といったらありはしない => Extremely A, Very A, A beyond description N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
であれ,であろうと => Even A, Both A and B N1
(Not)only , (Not) even
とあれば => If A N1
Conditional, While
てあげる => Help, do for N4
Give and take advice
[後「あと」]で => After V1, V2 N5
あるいは => A or B N2
Lists, Examples
あまり~ない => Not very ~ N5
[間「あいだ」]/[間「あいだ」]に => During A, During A (before A is finished/over) N2
Time, Situation