それはそうと => By the way N2
それと => A, and B N3
List, Examples
それとも => A? or B? N3
List, Examples
それでも => Even though A, B N2
こそすれ => B is definitely not so (strongly emphasized) N1
こそあれ => Although A (A is some negative attribute) N1
それなのに => Even though A, (unexpected result) B N2
そのため => Because of A, B N3
Reason, Result, Response
それなら => If A is the case, then (let's) B N2
Reason, Result, Response
に[沿「そ」]って/に[沿「そ」]い/に[沿「そ」]う/に[沿「そ」]った => Along with A; In line with A N2
Based, Focused, Depending on
て[以来「いらい」] => After A, B (continuous action/condition N2
Information, Report
[恐「おそ」]れがある => There is a chance of A N2
Potential, Possibility