なくてもいい => Don't have to A N4
Can, Should, Must
てもかまわない => No problem N4
Can, Should, Must
ないものでもない/ないでもない => A is not completely impossible N1
させて[頂「いただ」]きます/させてもらいます => Allow me to A N1
てもいい => It is alright to A; the subject may A; it's alright if A (condition) N4
Can, Should, Must
に[基「もと」]づいて/に[基「もと」]づき/に[基「もと」]づく => Based on A N2
Based, Focused, Depending on
と[言「い」]っても => Although A is the case, B (as well) N3
List, Examples
と[言「い」]っても => Although A is the case, B (as well) N2
Lists, Examples
もなんともない => Not A at all N1
Adjectival, Descriptions
ていられない => Cannot continue to A N2
Needs, Requirements
をおいて~ない => Other than A, B N1
(Not)only , (Not) even
てからというもの => After A (happens), B changed (major change, everything changes) N1
Information, Report