にひきかえ => In contrast to A N1
Comparison/ Exchange
[向「む」]け => Made for A, intended for A N2
Adjectival, Descriptions
ところを/ところに/ところへ => At time/situation A N2
Information, Report
に[難「むずか」]くない => It's not hard to A N1
Adjectival, Descriptions
[必要「ひつよう」]はない => It is not necessary for A to be done N2
Needs, Requirements
だろう => Probably A N4
Sentence Endings
ところ => Have done N4
Situations and Experiences
ずにすむ => Not doing A will suffice; Can get by without doing A N1
ところだった => About to… N3
Will, Decision, Doing
どころではない => Its not A N2
ところが => Although A (was planned/expected), B (unexpected) N3
だろうと[思「おも」]う => I think probably A N4
Sentence Endings