…たりしたら/しては => ... Such as N3
Demonstrate by example
かりに...ても / としても => even if N2
Condition (hypothetical condition)
…たりして => maybe, It could be, it is possible that… N3
Demonstrate by example
たりなんかして => besides, there are things similar to that N2
Demonstrate by example
より(も)むしろ => rather; instead; better ~ N3
...なり...なり => [A] or [B] or~ N1
...なりなんなり... => any,anything,whatever N1
なり~なり => A or B N1
Lists, examples
~ふり(~振り)      => to pretend; to act as if N3
通り (とおり/どおり) => in the same way as; in the way; as ~ N2
たり~たり => do such things as A and B N5
... ほしいばかりに => just because I want to… N2
Cause, reason