[可能系「かのうけい」] => Can, be able to, be possible to N4
Can, Should, Must
もしも~なら => If A... N3
Conditional, While
もし~たなら => If A … N3
Conditional, While
ねばならない => Must A N2
Needs, Requirements
も~ば~も/も~なら~も => A is B and C is D; neither A is B nor C is D N2
Lists, Examples
ともなると,ともなれば => When (the time/situation) A N1
Time, Situation
なければならない => Must do A; have to A N4
Can, Should, Must
ながら(も) => Although A, B N2
てばかりはいられない => Cannot always A N2
Needs, Requirements
も~なら、も~だ => Both A/B and C/D are bad. N1
ながらに,ながらの,ながらにして => While A, during the condition A, Since A (point in time) N1
Time, Situation
もしないで => Even though (subject) doesn't/don't A N1