~といわんばかり => as if to say N1
代わりに => instead of; as a substitute for​; in exchange for; in return for N3
に代わって => instead of; replacing; on behalf of ~ N3
[代「か」]わり => Not A, but B, B in place of A, Instead of A, B; In exchange for A, B N3
Comparison, Exchange
んばかり => Seems like A, Seems as if A N1
Adjectival, Descriptions
... ばかり => About … N2
More or less in quantity
... ばかり => only; just ~ N2
For example, simile
ばかりだ => Just N3
Result status
とりわけ => especially; above all ~ N3
Emphasis on degree
がわかります => Capacity N5
ばこそ => only because ~ N1
からこそ/~ばこそ/こそ => precisely because ~ N2