~みこみだ => ~Expected N1
Determined, determined
~みこみちがい / みこみはずれ> => ~Contrary to expectations N1
Beyond expectations
み => ~ness N3
にしてみれば / にしてみたら => For (A), In the case of (A), From (A)'s point of view, In the eyes of (A) N2
Position, perspective
[使「し」][役「えき」][受「う」]け[身「み」] => Imperative N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional
~ためしに…てみる => to attempt, to test, to try out N1
Invite and advise
~みこみがたつ => have a good prospect N1
とみえて/とみえる => It seems that ~ N1
... はずみ.... => So N2
~みこみがある => There is hope, there is prospect. N1
... みます => try doing ~ N4
Conjugate verbs
にみる => Seen before N3
Base, base