まみれ => Covered in A (negative condition) N1
Adjectival, Descriptions
~ました/~ませんでした => Polite, past form of verb N5
Verb suffixes
ばそれまでだ => If A happens, it's over (nothing will be of use) N1
Conditional, While
かれ~かれ => A or B N1
Lists, examples
させて[頂「いただ」]きます/させてもらいます => Allow me to A N1
に[至「いた」]るまで => Up until A; as far as A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
[全「まった」]く~ない => Not A (at all; even a little bit) N3
Not only, Not even
てたまらない => Very A; Extremely A; Really want to do A N2
Degree, Level, Amount
まま => Still, unchange N4
Situations and Experiences
~ます/~ません => Polite, present form N5
Verb suffixes
ままに => Do B as/like A N2
Adjectival, Descriptions
とあれば => If A N1
Conditional, While