ことのないように => So as not to A N1
Will, Decision, Doing
というより => Rather than A N3
Comparison, Exchange
ようになる/なくなる => Become… N3
Time, Situation
ようにする => Try to A, make sure to A N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional
[要「よう」]するに => A. In short/put simply, B N2
Adjectival, Descriptions
を[頼「たよ」]りに => With the help of A; thanks to A N2
Based, Focused, Depending on
ようがない => There is no way to do A N2
Potential, Possibility
そうにない => N2
Potential, Possibility
ようだ => Looks as if A N3
Adjectival, Description
ようだ => Looks as if A N4
Situations and Experiences
ない[方「ほう」]がよい => It would be better to not A N4
Can, Should, Must
といえば/というと/といったら => N3
Considering, Concerning