[通「とお」]り/[通「とお」]り => In the way A; The same as A, B; As described by A, B N2
を[通「とお」]じて/を[通「とお」]して => Over the course of A, during the time A, Through (as a means) A N2
へ => Go to N, head to N , Often followed by verbs like 行く/いく, 来る/くる, 向かう/むかう… N5
ようになる/なくなる => Become… N3
Time, Situation
てくれてありがとう => Thank you for doing A N4
でなくてなんだろう => It's definitely A (and not something else) N1
Information, Report
ようになる/なくなる => Come to A (transition over time), Come to be unable to A N4
Time and Change
ておく => Do something N4
Secondary Verb
にいく => Go somewhere N4
Secondary Verb
に[比「くら」]べて/に[比「くら」]べ => When compared to A N3
Comparison, Exchange
[頂「いただ」]く => Received N4
Give and take advice
うが~うが => Whether A or B N1