受身形 => Passive voice N4
~V使役受身      => causative-passive form N4
Conjugate verbs
[受「う」]け[身「み」] => Passive, be V-ed. N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional
~且つ(かつ) => and N1
Line up, list
[使「し」][役「えき」][受「う」]け[身「み」] => Imperative N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional
つつ => while; even though; despite ~ N2
つつ/つつも => While A, B. Although A (is beng done), B N2
Information, Report
につけ~につけ => each time, whenever, either way N2
べつに => separately N2
からつくる/でつくる => made from; made with N4
ひとつ => A little N3
Repetition, habit
いつかの ... => Previously N4