て[下「くだ」]さる => Do for someone N4
Give and take advice
[以下「いか」] => Less than A, under/below A (amount) N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
て下さいませんか => Please do A (polite) N5
Asking and Telling
[下「くだ」]さる => Give B to A (A is you, your friends, your family, etc.) N4
Give and take advice
~たり~たりする => Do things like V1,V2 N5
Verb suffixes
ふりをする => To pretend to (be) A N3
Adjectival, Description
にたる,にたりる => Enough to/for A, Sufficient for A, Worthy of A N1
の+ [至「いた」]り => Very A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
あまり~ない => Not very ~ N5
かぎり/ないかぎり => While A is the case/still true N2
Conditional, While
というより => Rather than A N3
Comparison, Exchange
てばかりはいられない => Cannot always A N2
Needs, Requirements