べからざる => Cannot A N1
Potential, Possibility
ならいざしらず => I don't know about A, but B, It may be possible for A, but B N1
Potential, Possibility
ござる/ございます => Have~ N4
でござる/でございます => By, with… N4
ざる => B that doesn't/isn't A N1
Adjectival, Descriptions
らしい => Seem to~ N4
Sentence Endings
もしも~なら => If A... N3
Conditional, While
にしたら => From A's perspective, N2
Considering, Concerning
もし~たなら => If A … N3
Conditional, While
としたら => If A were the case; Supposing A N3
Conditional, While
ざるを[得「え」]ない => Only A is left to do/can be done N2
(Not)only, (Not) even
ながらに,ながらの,ながらにして => While A, during the condition A, Since A (point in time) N1
Time, Situation