は~より => than; rather than; more than ~ N5
より => More… than… N4
より(も)むしろ => rather; instead; better ~ N3
...ようでもあり / ようでもあるし => It seems like..., or rather, it also seems like... N3
はもとより => also; let alone; from the beginning N2
もとより => from the beginning N2
Of course
よりほか(は)ない => to have no choice but ~ N2
…たりしたら/しては => ... Such as N3
Demonstrate by example
より~ほうが => is more than N5
なにより => most,best,above all N3
The highest (comparative) level
よりいっそ => I'd rather... than... N2
~ようで (は) => Depending on ... N1
Related, corresponding