に[相違「そうい」]ない => No doubt N2
Information, Report
たびに => Every time N3
Time, Situation
びる => Seems A, becoming A, acting like A N1
Adjectival, Descriptions
に[違「ちが」]いない => Without a doubt, A N2
Information, Report
うが~うが => Whether A or B N1
もらう => Received N4
Give and take advice
もう => Already done N5
だろうと[思「おも」]う => I think probably A N4
Sentence Endings
ようと[思「おも」]う => I think I will A N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional
だろう => Probably A N4
Sentence Endings
そうだ => Seem, like… N4
Situations and Experiences
そうにない => N2
Potential, Possibility