むりに => Try to..., make an effort to... N3
Necessity, obligation
まで => until; as far as; to (an extent); even ~ N3
にかけて (も) => swear an oath of honour N2
Determined, determined
まで => until; as far as; to (an extent); even ~ N5
それでは => In that case..., so... (Expressing an attitude) N4
Change the subject of the story
を[機「き」]に => Use A as an opportunity N1
Time, Situation
~ないといけない      => must do; have an obligation to do ~ N5
ようとしない => not try to; not make an effort to ~ N3
~にかこつけて      => to use as a pretext; to use as an excuse N1
っぱなし => leaving something in an improper state; leaving something on; leaving still in use N3
ないといけない / だめだ => must do; have an obligation to do ~ N4
Necessity, obligation
かたがた => Using A as an opportunity/chance/way to B N1
Information, Report