一通り => Basically, (get) over, done N2
Base, base
いつかの ... => Previously N4
つもりで => with the intention of doing ~ N3
Conditions (general conditions)
つもりで => with the intention of doing ~ N3
Base, base
つもりはない => have no intention to / didn't mean to ~ N3
通り (とおり/どおり) => in the same way as; in the way; as ~ N2
[通「とお」]り/[通「とお」]り => In the way A; The same as A, B; As described by A, B N2
つもりではない => have no intention to / didn't mean to ~ N3
つもりだ => Plan to, be going to N4
Sentence Endings
いつも => always; usually; habitually N5
を通じて/を通して => through; via; throughout; by ~ N2
つもりだ => Plan to A, not to A N3
Will, Decision, Doing