ふしがある => Seem N2
ふとした ... => unexpected / incidental / little bitty N2
すぐ => Right now N5
Short period of time
ふと => suddenly; accidentally; unexpectedly; unintentionally ~ N3
ぐらいならむしろ => If...then it would be better... N2
Cause, reason
ぐるみ => together (with); -wide N1
~こういうふう => like this N1
Means and methods
すぐにでも => right now N3
Short period of time
~ふり(~振り)      => to pretend; to act as if N3
ふりをする => to pretend; to act as if ~ N3
をめぐって => concerning; in regard to ~ N2
くらい/ぐらい => approximately, about, almost N5