わりには => for, despite, although, unexpectedly N3
と言われている => it is said that ~ N3
それでは => So (Inference) N4
それでは => Well then N4
Change the subject of the story
それは => That/That's it N4
それはそうと => anyway N2
にいわせれば => if you ask...; if one may say... N1
Base, base
~はどう(で)あれ      => however; whatever​ ~. N1
と[言「い」]わせれば => On the view of N1
Based/focused/depending on
~はいわずもがなだ      => need not to say N1
これいじょう…は ... => No... more N2
Limit, limit
それにしては => yet, notwithstanding, nevertheless N2
Things do not match the prediction