とはくらべ[物「もの」]にならない => It's no match for A N1
Comparison/ Exchange
それなのに => Even though A, (unexpected result) B N2
かれ~かれ => A or B N1
Lists, examples
なりに,なりの,それなり => In A's own way, in a(n) A way N1
Adjectival, Descriptions
ものの => Although A... N2
の => Question N5
ぐらいのものだ => Only A N1
(Not)only , (Not) even
とあれば => If A N1
Conditional, While
それと => A, and B N3
List, Examples
それとも => A? or B? N3
List, Examples
てくれる => Do for someone. N4
Give and take advice
まみれ => Covered in A (negative condition) N1
Adjectival, Descriptions